
Glee: Top 10 Performances (from the Back 9)

Setahun belakangan ini, Glee telah menjadi TV-Show baru yang paling hot dan paling dibicarakan seantero dunia. Muncul tahun 2009 dengan 13 episode awal (Road to Sectionals) dan dihadiahkan Golden Globe untuk Best TV-Show Comedy/Musical, Glee tahun 2010 ini kembali dengan sambungan 9 episode untuk melengkapi keseluruhan season 1 ini. Pada awalnya gw pengen me-summary dan memilih 10 penampilan terbaik dari seluruh episode di first season ini, cuman ternyata kelewat banyak. Jadi gw bagi dua aja, yang pertama ini untuk yang back 9 dulu, karena masih fresh di ingatan. Performance yang gw pilih, gak hanya gw nilai dari lagu nya saja, tapi dari keseluruhan cerita yang dibawa oleh lagu tersebut. Ada lagu-lagu yang gw rasa sangat bagus tapi tidak dibarengi dengan penampilan yang memorable, jadi gak gw masukin. So here's what I've picked for 10 most performances from Glee season 1 vol.2.....


Top 10 TV-Show Opening Credits

Layaknya sebuah first impression, opening credits dari sebuah tv-show dibuat untuk memperkenalkan kepada para viewers sekelebat garis besar ataupun tema yang diangkat oleh acara tersebut. Over the years, beberapa acara tidak terlalu mengambil pusing tentang opening credits, tapi tidak sedikit juga tv-show yang memikirkan matang-matang dan membuat opening tersebut menjadi suatu yang artistik dan diharapkan turut menjadi faktor untuk mengundang penonton. Di bawah ini adalah 10 dari beberapa opening credits yang menurut gw sangat bagus dan unforgettable. Bahkan di dalam list ini terdapat tv-show yang sama sekali tidak gw tonton, tapi ternyata opening creditsnya menarik perhatian gw. Sebenernya masih banyak lagi, tapi gw harus membatasinya hanya 10. Oh well, here they are....


LOST: 10 Most Memorable Deaths

Tidak seperti edisi 'Friends' sebelumnya, sebenernya gw pengen nuntasin 'Favorite Characters' dulu dari semua tv-show yang gw tonton, tapi entah kenapa sekarang lagi pengen ngebahas tentang ini. Jadi, sebelum gw post tentang Favorite Characters di LOST, gw langsung loncat ke sini. Sebenernya gak pengen basa-basi tentang tv-show yang satu ini. Sudah cukup banyak wadah yang menjadi saksi curhat gw betapa gw memuja acara ini. Long story short, serial ini memiliki banyak banget adegan-adegan seru, terutama ketika ada karakter yang meninggal. Banyak sebenernya yang cukup mengena, tapi setelah disusun-susun, terpilihlah 10 kematian yang menurut gw paling tragis, gak diduga dan paling memorable. Kalau belom nntn LOST dan gak mau dirusak oleh Spoiler, lebih baik gak usah baca ya hehehe. Okay, here's the list...


Friends: Rank The Characters

Nobody can't resist this sitcom. Everybody should agree that Friends is one of the best comedy series that ever created. The amazing 10 seasons showed how consistently funny and charming this show was. The secret? Well, aside from the story and all the fresh jokes in each of the episode, the actors played their characters really great. Maybe that's why they all could not easily succeed when they're playing in another show or movie, the characters that they played have already blended into them. So w/out further ado, here's the rank from my least favorite to most favorite characters from Friends (gonna use more Indonesian ahead cause it's easier).



Di blog VAMPIBOTS, gw udah sempet mengeluarkan beberapa list. Sebenarnya tinggal klik link di widget sebelah aja sih. But let me save you some time. Here's a couple of lists I've posted before (minus the explanations cause it'll take too many spaces, LOL)

Most Satisfying Movies Of 2009
  1. District 9
  2. Star Trek
  3. (500) Days Of Summer
  4. Zombieland
  5. Inglourious Basterds
  6. Avatar
  7. Up
  8. The Hurt Locker
  9. Drag Me To Hell
  10. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Best Albums I've Ever Heard
  1. Continuum by John mayer AND Heavier Things by John Mayer (TIE)
  2. The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
  3. A Rush Of Blood To The Head by Coldplay
  4. These Streets by Paolo Nutini
  5. Stripped by Christina Aguilera
  6. Kisah Klasik Untuk Masa Depan by Sheila on 7

Most Addictive Singles Of 2009
  1. Bad Romance by Lady GaGa
  2. Secrets by OneRepublic
  3. No Boundaries by Kris Allen
  4. We Are Golden by Mika
  5. Who Says by John Mayer
  6. Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z feat. Alicia Keys
  7. Tik Tok by Kesha
  8. Halo by Beyonce Knowles
  9. Cousins by Vampire Weekend
  10. Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble

Another list's coming up soon. Stay tuned!


Introducing the new breed from the clan....

After established my own movie blog using my alias, and expanded it to personal blog (which was already closed by the way, cause it sucked, LOL) and tumblr page, right now, I am proud to present my newest playground:
Most of you might know my first blog called VAMPIBOTS, that consist of mostly movie reviews. Along the way, I've posted some posts that, well, not really movie-related. Some of them were the lists that I've made. I've been obsessed in making lists these days, not only movie stuffs, but also music and TV-shows. Then it got me thinking, I should make some sort of new 'template' to share it with the world. Why? Because I wanted VAMPIBOTS to stay on it's original root; reviewing movies. So I don't want it to be interfered with posts other than that. So, voila, new blog.
So what will this blog contain? Lists, of course. The lists will revolve around my favorite things from movies, music, tv-shows, etc. It can be anything. I hope that I can really put a great effort here, as passionate as the one I've given to VAMPIBOTS. Well, maybe not as big (after all, it's still my main blog) but I'm really hoping that you, readers, will enjoy it as much as you enjoy VAMPIBOTS. So, laid back, relax, enjoy.